The bone mineral density test, as the name suggests, is used by orthopaedic surgeons to ascertain the density of the bones in terms of calcium and other crucial minerals. The bone density tells us how strong our bones are and also predicts the chance of breaking them. If you have a lower bone density that could mean you may be more susceptible to bone breaks
Bone density test or the BMD test is mainly used to diagnose osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease where the bone loses too much of its mass. As a result, even small bumps could break the bones. Orthopaedic surgeons recommend this test to have a clearer picture of the extent of osteoporosis and to recommend to their patients the most suitable treatment.
BMD is also known as the Mass Measurement test. The test calculates the mass of bones in our hips, spine, and other functional parts of the body. The tests are then used by orthopaedic surgeons to plan the best treatment option.
The test shows tells us if our bone density is normal or low. A normal bone density tells us we have more of a chance of breaking our bones than a normal one. The test calculates the number of nutrients in one segment of the bone and based on that gives us bone density results.
The bone density test is used to diagnose osteoporosis. As osteoporosis has no other symptom, we rely heavily on this test.
The bone density test gives us the doctor the following information :
Tocheckhowwell the osteoporotic medication is influencing bone density.
Studies show women are at higher risk of suffering from osteoporosis than men. Despite the gender and age, there are few scenarios in which we should prioritize a BMD.
If you have lost 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) of your height. You should consider meeting DrGowreeson sooner rather than later! The height decline is caused by fractures and loss of bone mass in the spine.
Fragile bones are usually a red flag to consult with your orthopaedic surgeon. If the bones are breaking too much too often, it could mean you have lost density of the bones and are now left with relatively fragile ones.
During cancer treatment, most men and women drop their sexual hormones that can cause weaker bones. This could be a reason to go for a BMD test if you are low on hormones.
It’s also recommended to have a bone density test if you are,
DXAisanx-ray that measures bone density, especially on the hips and spine. Osteoporosis is diagnosed after examining the bone density of these areas.
Hips and spine bones are crucial in the body skeleton, responsible for the strength of both the psyche and intellect of a person. Besides the bones’ structural significance, orthopedic doctors consider them for a number of other reasons. On top of them is osteoporosis which directly affects these bones and has a greater chance of weakening the bones. Also, the level of osteoporosis predicts the probability of breaking a bone in the future.
There are no specific preparations for the patients. The test can be done with a full dress on. Make sure there are no zips, buttons, or metals in the way of scanning parts. The test duration takes no more than 15 minutes. It is also very safe and painless to undergo the test.Noneedlesorsyringesareusedonyourbody.The radiation dose is also kept low. In conclusion, it is safe to proceed with the test.
The DXA test should be repeated at the same place and with the same machine to get accurate relative results.Theresultsmaydifferwiththechangeofequipmentandplace.Although, it is not possible to be in the same position every time trying to maintain the same position is helpful.
Screen testing is the bone density examination of smaller parts of the body like the finger, heel, and wrist.Ascanningtestisdoneinthe case of a Central DXAnot being available.For most people, however, the DXA test does work
Scanning test results cannot be used to diagnose osteoporosis. Results from the scanning test cannot be compared with DXA results. They are not even used for examining the progress of osteoporosis medicine.
BMDtestresultsarepresentedusingthet-score.Tscorerepresentsyourmassofthebone and compares it with a young adult of 30 years. T score can have the following predictive results :
Bone density results are also interpreted by z-score. The z score compares the bone density of a person with a normal person of the same age, sex weight, and height and shows comparative results.
The z score is a good metric for children, teens, women with periods, and young men. According to the ISCD, a z score of more than -2.0 is considered good.
BMD test is done for measuring bone density. A machine is used in this test to calculate the total mass of your bones in hips, spine, and other spots as well. Lower bone density means your bones are more fragile and therefore more likely to break.
BMD is the only test to diagnose osteoporosis. If you have any questions regarding BMDor osteoporosis, you can contact Dr.GowreesonThevendranor visit